Well the last of the ice has gone from the lakes in the South Yukon and it is time to load up the 8 to 10 weights and cruise the shoals for some lakers and pike. Although a little lethargic still, these fish are actively searching out food to fill their bellies.
Lakers have been hitting white articulated minnows and large black bunny leech patterns of 2 inches long or so. You need a sink tip of type 6 or type eight or the equivalent sinking line. They are not willing to come far off the bottom of the shoals in order to get the meal. A moderate slow varied strip retrieve has been the ticket. Troll to find the pods of fish and then anchor appropriately.
Pike are in the shallow to extreme shallow bays and are post spawn right now. Seek out windward shorelines there the warm water stacks up. It is all about sight fishing. White and red Bunny Leeches and chartreuse/white Lefty's Deceivers in 1/0 to 3/0 are producing well. In the extreme shallow bays, white Dahlberg Divers are the ticket. Pike will follow the fly back to the boat or shore and simply stop............if you see this, dance the presentation around figure eight style and most pike will hit.
The Yukon drainage is still mighty brown but there is some grayling to be had. Baitfish imitations in size 8 to 10 work well. Top water attractors are also starting to produce. Stimulators and convertables all are good bets. The best tactic is to rig a dry dropper with a stimulator on top and a green or red chronomid as the dropper.
Our pothole lakes are in full swing with chronomid action. Some days they are keying in on the pupae and other days the emergers. A strike indicator and 14 foot leader is the ticket here. Cast out, wait 4 minutes and do a slow hand strip retrieve. I like to use my I-pod as a distraction in this style of fishing. It forces me to wait and slowly retrieve in order to get the best presentation.
Be sure to come into On Top Fly Shop in downtown Whitehorse and get stocked up on flies, ties and lies. We are next to Klondike Rib and Salmon on 2nd Ave and Steele St.
Take Care and Tight Lines.
Steve and Lisa